Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Here comes the sun and neon jean,s

There is something that still makes me a tad scared of skinny jeans particularly when they are in a bright color. I have worked my way from jeans that are as dark as they can get to maybe a lighter blue.Then to primary colors. But when I got my hands on these jeans from Joe’s Jeans, I realized it was time to re-embrace my inner 80′s nerd and go for it.

This whole love of bright colors is a very recent thing for me. I think it’s a revolt from childhood and having a lemon yellow bedroom the whole time I was growing up. The minute I was able to paint the walls, they were deep grey (they would have been black, but Mom Booker would not get down with the whole my-teen-angst-must-be-expressed thing) and my wardrobe took a similar turn
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I have always embraced black, navy blue and deep noir, moody colors. For years, I considered red and white too bright for me. But, I guess as I get older and my attitude toward life gets more optimistic, so does the color palette of my wardrobe.

Since shooting this crazy Miami Vice-inspired look, I’ve since worn these bright jeans with a heather grey v-neck t-shirt and a black jacket with heels and it was stunningTogether or separate, all of these pieces are some of my new favorite wardrobe additions, and all/most of them are reasonably-priced impact pieces for the season.

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